General Information about your Sony Ericsson TM506 unlock code
When you receive your email with your unique Sony Ericsson TM506 unlocking codes, you may see there's actually more than one code, as some models require more than one code to unlock them fully.
However, for simplicity, we do aim to send you a single unlock code, which will be your network unlock code (known as the NCK).
(See below for more details about code formats and more - Please read all before you start unlocking?)
Model: Sony Ericsson TM506
1. Insert a T-Mobile SIM and turn on your phone
2. From the main screen, press the Navigation key left
3. Press the Star * key
4. Press the Star * key again
5. Press the Navigation key left
6. The phone should display the message 'Network Locked'
7. Select Ok
8. Enter the unlocking code provided
9. Select Ok.
Quick Glossary
NCK = Network lock
SPCK = Service provider corporate lock
SPK = Service provider lock
Code formats you may receive for Sony Ericsson TM506 models:
Wherever possible we'll try and send you just a single unlocking code to unlock your Sony Ericsson TM506.
However for certain models we may need to send you more than one code, even if you don't use them all.
It would be a sting of codes as per this example:
CCK: 0984118338439652 or 0984118346911861
ESCK: 0000000000000000 or 0000000000000000
NCK: 4176979850382390 or 4176979871225204
NSCK: 3908320372609403 or 3908320331596105
PCK: 2061751260250631 or 2061751223439694
SPCK: 9960493953283837 or 9960493924830760
Note: The NCK (Network unlocking code) is the main and usually the only one you'll need.
Please note:
- If you see the message 'NCK: (0)' or 'Not Allowed', this means the phone is hard-locked. The phone cannot be unlocked because there has been more than 5 wrong unlock attempts.