Unlocking the Palm One Treo 750

How to enter the Unlocking Code for a Palm One Treo 750

Option 1 - Model: Palm One Treo 750

1. Turn on the phone with a not allowed SIM card inserted
2. Using the on-screen keyboard enter the unlocking code

Option 2 - Model: Palm One Treo 750

1. Turn on the phone with a not allowed SIM card inserted
2. Using the physical keyboard hold down the key with a large white dot (lower left hand corner of keyboard) while typing numbers on the keyboard

Option 3 - Model: Palm One Treo 750

1. Turn on the phone with a not allowed SIM card inserted
2. When phone is powered up dial any number, it will ask you if you want to turn phone on, click yes
3. It will say 'your phone cannot be used with this SIM card' click ok
4. It will say 'Network Search' click cancel
5. using the dial pad do the following: enter * # * # YOUR_CODE_HERE # then press dial on the screen.
6. It will say the SIM lock has been removed from your phone.

Palm One Treo 750

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