General Information about your LG MG280 CHOCOLIGHT BRANCO unlock code
When you receive your email with your unique LG MG280 CHOCOLIGHT BRANCO unlocking codes, you may see there's actually more than one code as some models require
more than one code to unlock them fully. However, for simplicity, we do aim to send you a single unlock code.
Depending on your model, the code you receive will either be an 8 digit or 16 digit number.
(Please see below for some examples)
To unlock your LG MG280 CHOCOLIGHT BRANCO, firstly you will need access to a hidden menu.
1. Insert a working SIM card from the original network
2. Ensure the phone is charged and then switch the phone on.
3. Enter 2 9 4 5 # * 7 1 0 1 # while in the standby mode (or 2 9 4 5 # * 7 1 0 0 1 #)
4. Select Menu, then go to Settings -> Security -> SIM Lock -> Network
5. Select Deactivate and enter the 8-digit unlock code provided.
6. The handset will be unlocked automatically and display 'Done'.
Quick Glossary
NCK = Network lock
SPCK = Service provider corporate lock
SPK = Service provider lock
Some examples of the unlock code(s) we provide:
357923164088289 99099160 94845276 88129126 95781359 20423386
357923195397724 1234503952914327 1234580776529302 1234541782506947 1234549450007093 1234549472192221 123454922619456
26579919 72528314 59735403 37062166 88575691 81226396
7644193463749884 2182142189887835 8913849879643368 7690121036604938 7690121047887976 769012113277321
We may also return your IMEI number, simply ignore this, it's always the first one.
In most cases, the only one you will need is the Network lock (or NCK) which is the 1st code, as highlighted in bold above.
But should you need it, the Service provider Corporate (or SPK) unlock code is the last one.
In the unlikely event you are sent an 8 digit code and your phone only accepts a 16 digit code, try putting zeros in front of code. But only try this the once and
contact us.
Notes on hidden menu access codes:
To enter your unlock code, LG phones often require access to a hidden menu first. Most newer phones will accept the code 2 9 4 5 # * 7 1 0 0 1 #. So if the
recommended code suggested doesn't work, please try this one, if this also doesnt work please contact us